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Girls Getting Ahead in Leadership

Girls Getting Ahead in Leadership (GGAL) is an academic, leadership and college preparation program for underserved and at-risk immigrant/refugee girls in 6th-12th grade. This program utilizes self-empowerment workshops, consistent academic support, and the development of relationships with college mentors to achieve positive student outcomes. Our number one goal is to help our GGAL girls dream big and create plans to achieve those dreams. 

Core objectives of GGAL activities

Support Educational Journeys

We provide homework help, college readiness training, and other academic support that can help women and girls succeed in their educational journeys.

Guide Personal Development

We help increase the capacity of participants to improve their self-esteem, agency, and skills; and strengthen their knowledge about their own cultures and identities.

Engage in Civic Change

Our participants learn about issues impacting their communities and are given opportunities to engage through dialogue, volunteerism, fundraising, and networking.

Encourage Parent Involvement

We increase overall student participation, retention and success in GGAL by establishing and nurturing two-way partnerships between parents and students and between parents and schools.

Provide Mentorship Support

Our mentorship program helps increase academic excellence and support for GGAL participants during middle school, high school, and as they transition into and complete their college degree.


Mentors provide homework help and guidance to immigrant and refugee girls.


GGAL is free for immigrant and refugee girls in grades 6-12. Our program accepts girls on a rolling basis for the school year and during our summer session. 



Email Jess Miano for any questions.



Jessica Miano

GGAL Program Coordinator

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Women's Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE)

570 N Asbury Street, Suite 202

Saint Paul, MN 55104




Federal Tax ID: 41-1791358

501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

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WISE has many generous funders and donors that support our work. Some of our work is supported by Grant Number 90EV0586-01-00 from the Family Violence Protection and Services within the Administration for Children and Families Program, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Family Violence Protection and Services Program.

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