Resources / GBV Prevention Resources
Green Dot Active Bystander Intervention Resources
WISE hosts Green Dot Active Bystander Intervention Trainings (ABIT) to help our immigrant and refugee communities learn safe techniques to intervene in sexual assault and violence. These trainings can be facilitated in Spanish, Somali, Oromo, Thai, Karen and Hmong. They focus on three forms of violence:
Intimate Partner Violence is abusive behavior one person in a relationship uses to control the other. It can be physical, verbal, sexual or emotional.
Sexual Assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without first having given verbal permission.
Cyber Bullying and Stalking happens on the internet, through social media, or over text messaging. It’s when someone publishes/posts/sends harassing comments, rumors, or unwanted/embarrassing pictures; or someone who shows up after you posted online where you are hanging out.
Download our infographic:
What is an active bystander?
Attend an Active Bystander Intervention Training
WISE currently has resources available to deliver trainings in Spanish, Hmong, Karen, Thai, and Oromo. Please contact Kohpa Vang at to schedule a training for your group/organization or be notified of upcoming training events near you.